I am a loser!

Friday, October 22, 2010


A few weeks ago in a post made on 10-15-2010 I wondered "Just when you think you can't get any lower you manage to dig a new basement under your previous low." Well, it sure didn't take long for old Chuck to achieve a new low. A low that makes all of his previous ugly, nasty, hateful crap seem down right virtuous.

Some one's daughter died. I don't know the how or why, but that doesn't really matter. A young woman died way before her time.

What did Charles R. Treuter do in this time of unspeakable sadness? He took it as an opportunity to piss on the parents of this young woman and make light and fun of the situation and revel in their pain.

What an absolutely deplorable thing to do.

There is really no one to accurately describe the disgust I have for Charles R. Treuter at this time. I hope when his lonely, death comes there is considerable pain and suffering and in those moments he will reflect back on what a vile and worthless human being he really was.

Sickening, absolutely sickening.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Anyone else notice how Chuckie's burning bushes blog has an update or new post and within an hour or two a whole bunch of comments are made? Could it be that there are people even more pathetic than chuck who hang out just waiting for him to defecate his latest thoughts?

No, that seems unlikely.

A far more scenario is that these comments are all fakes and Chuckie just writes them himself, waiting a few minutes between each one to give them the appearance of "reality". Maybe this would work if we were all as stupid as you chuck, but since many of us have an actual education, as opposed to your fabricated credentials, it just doesn't have the ring of truth.

Nice try though, you simpleton!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rinse Lather repeat

Chuckie Baby!

Just because you repeat a lie it doesn't make it true.

You keep repeating the allegation that others have been posting vile, hateful things on web sites under your name.

This is bullshit in its purest and uncut form.

I have definitive evidence from several different web sites and from your personal e-mail that shows you have repeatedly registered as other people, have had many conversations with yourself, and that you, yes YOU are the one who writes all those hateful and hurtful things.

Why the bullshit lies Chuck? Are you feeling guilty about the piece of crap you have evolved into? Are you embarrassed by your past behavior?

How pathetic are you? It is bad enough you have devoted your existence into being an irritant who's death will be celebrated by many, but now you don't even have the balls to admit what you are. Just when you think you can't get any lower you manage to dig a new basement under your previous low.

Where next chuckle head?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Equal Opportunity Hater

During a dull part of the day I took a look at Charlie Boy's latest set of posts. He sure does hate a lot of people. His ramblings remind me of when I see various hate groups interviewed on TV. They go on and on about how everyone but them is worthless. Then they show their fat wives, trailer park neighborhood, missing teeth, bad haircuts and just think, and it makes you think, THESE people really think they are above the rest of us? Talk about living in denial!! Chuck complains about everyone, but look at him. He is a short, fat, bald man with delusions of grandeur, a fat wife, and an anger that causes him to strike out at everyone. Who would want to be like him? He is the poster boy for a wasted life and hopeless future.

Oh, and Chuck, what is up with calling yourself god in your blog profile? You are like those guys who always go around proclaiming how manly they are to compensate for the sake they have a really small penis. Is that your issue Chuck or is it just a general insecurity that makes you want to pretend to be something you are not? You are the exact opposite of what people consider god-like. You are weak, powerless, pathetic, and no one holds you in high regard or has any respect for you. Goodness, how you are reaching for the stars Chucky.

Well, enjoy your spewing of venom Charlie. I'll check back in a few weeks to see if your needle is still stuck in the same track.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Anger is Funny

I took a look over at the Chuckle heads latest blog entries and see he is still foaming at the mouth about the same subjects...over...and over...and over. He vents about his brothers, about websites that dumped him because he has nothing worthwhile to contribute, about his intolerance for anything different from him (i.e. - sane). His anger is rather humorous because it paints such a vivid picture of who he is.

Can't you see him sitting at his computer in his dark, dirty house spewing out his hate in the hope it will somehow make him feel better, or maybe more like a man, and then once he hits send and goes back and reads his repetitive and pathetic ramblings, just slumping down and wondering where it all went wrong. I mean look at the time and energy he has devoted to hating and writing nonsense, like those pretend responses to his blog posts. Here is a tip Chuck, we aren't all as ignorant as you...some of us actually have real college degrees...and your writing style, or lack thereof really gives you away on those fake comments.

Oh well, maybe someday Chuck will catch on and find a better use of his last few years on earth. Then again, maybe he will just die a lonely death that will be celebrated by many and mourned by, well, probably no one at this point.

Be happy Charlie. Life is short. Move on.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Camper Chuck!

Well, it is looking more and more like our pal is the go to guy to take camping for his mad outdoors-man skills!

The past few weeks have shown Chuckie to be a master tent folder, as he has folded his outspoken blogs on several websites.

Please let us know what days you are available. I like camping, but hate packing up. Having someone who can fold his tents as quickly as you would be an asset!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Credibility, it seems, is not Charles Treuter's strong suit .... "

In yet another long winded expose intended to reveal the truth, something our dear Charles wouldn't recognize if it rose up and bit him, Charlie rails against what I assume is his brother.

As part of his expose he posts what he reports is a picture of his brother's wife...

Under this photo Chuckle head writes...

This is the REAL illegal mexican immigrant, Maria Borges "Treuter" (60 years old, 300+ pounds) from a fairly recent photograph submitted by a neighbor of the Treuter "compound"

Unfortunately for Chuck, he wrongly assumes the rest of the world is as stupid as he is, and therefore sets the bar very low and makes it so very easy to uncovering more of his lies.

This is not his target's wife, it isn't a recent photograph he got from some cooperative neighbor, it is something he trolled off the net in a story about a Kansas woman who apparently was arrested in the death of a child.

Oh Charlie, you dumb ass, at least change the links in your pictures so they are semi credible.

Once again you offer clear proof you are a fraud, a liar, a phony, and, not terribly bright.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shot down again!

Looks like our pal Chuckles has been shot down again. In typical fashion he makes it seem like it was his principled belief in free speech that led him to pull the plug on his myspace blog, yet anyone who has followed his trail of BS knows better. Lies, distortions, and hate have gotten him banned, if only partially this time, from yet another web site.

Face it chuckle head, no one wants to smell what you are cooking loser!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Once a liar, always a liar

A check of the chuckleheads blog of hate shows that one victim of his hate is a poster to a food web site. I can only guess this poster bested our pal Charlie in some contest of wit or intelligence (a battle our pretend PhD is ill equipped to fight), so in retaliation Charlie has posted pictures of his house and details about his life. I am pretty sure no one other than another obsessed, psychotic, stalker would care about such nonsense, but our boy sure seems to get his rocks off posting it.

I did a little fact checking on the story and found that not only are many of the comments absolute lies, but the names used for the comments are fakes as well. Charlie is using the names of frequent posters at the web site at issue and trying to make it seem like they have joined him in a crusade against this poster. This is a sham. Charlie is writing the comments, and signing other people's names.

How pathetic is this?

He is fighting a fight that no one cares about, and has to resort to commenting to himself to make it seem like anyone gives a crap.

Wow, how empty is your life Charlie that you need to set up a big charade like this. Do you really expect anyone to believe your lies about your educational background and employment history when you post things like a grade school child?

Grow up, grow a set, and do something important with your life you pathetic loser.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Once again Charlie writes about someone and how he doesn't care what they think, and then writes several paragraphs about how what they think bother him.

Chuckles wrote:

I do not give a F**K whether or not you, Mikey, can "stand" Southern Fried Chicken.
and then spends a lot of time explaining and demonstrating how he cares very much.

Oh Charlie, you are so transparent.

and pathetic!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ethics? Really

In a recent utterance Chuckles the clown wrote:

The Gatewoods, my rather prosperous, influential, political and very intuitive maternal grandparents, were convinced that KWT possessed NOT ONE physical attribute of the family, NOT ONE psychological attribute of the family, and NOT ONE moral or ethical attribute of the family. Some of the family’s principles included:
Now I don't know or care about his family issues, but I find it funny how he seems to take pride in how HE is an example of all that is good in his family.

Physical attributes? His pictures show a fat little troll of a man, Hardly a source of family pride unless your family guards the pot at the end of the rainbow.

Psychological attributes? Charlie could fill a textbook, the kind he pretends to have read when he got his imaginary degree, with his psychosis.

Morals and ethics? I can only assume he feels his convictions for voter fraud and harassment, his stalking of people (as evidenced on his own little blog), his hate filled, racist, sexist messages, his fabrication of multiple personalities, and other such behavior are moral and ethical standards of which to be proud. Not sure anyone outside the trailer park would concur.

Bravo Gatewood family! Your standard bearer is quite a gem!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Throwing Stones

One has to wonder what drives a man like Charlie to behave in the manner he does. Why would anyone with even half a brain (you're welcome there Chuck for my generosity) act like such a fool. The only conclusion I can make is that it is all a counter offensive maneuver. Chuck has spun so many lies about himself and his life that he lives under constant fear of his house of cards collapsing around him. This, combined with his delusions of grandeur in thinking anyone actually cares about his fabricated life story, has prompted him to strike out to divert attention from the truth.

To wit, here is a tale of the person who has been, at various times, reported to be an MD, PhD, world renowned clinic director. Turns out, she is just a prison nurse who probably spends her day testing convicts for various communicable diseases.


Again, how pathetic.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hypocrisy Expert

Our boy Chuck finally wrote about a subject he IS an expert on, being a hypocrite.

Let's look at a few gems, shall we?

"Nowhere do hypocrites thrive more profusely than in the world of the food industry in general, with all of its various parasites, charlatans and uneducated lemmings."

Nowhere? I can think of a place. http://docchuckchats.blogspot.com/

"A few of the particularly irritating hypocrites are often called:

• Foodies - persons whose total existence revolves around what they stuff down their gullets. It seems to be the ONLY subject about which these people are intelligent enough to speak."

Well, at least they have that one subject Chuck. You are constantly spewing nonsense out your blow hole despite being qualified for little more than being a pillow biter at a men's penitentiary.

"• Greenies - persons who pontificate about the environment and have absolutely NO educational expertise to back up what they are constantly blabbing about."

NO educational expertise? Again, something you are quite familiar with!

Oh, there isn't any point to going on as I would just be repeating myself. Here is an idea for you Chuckles. Get your own house in order before lashing out at the rest of the world. You are one seriously defective man.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let's Pretend

In his most recent utterance, everyone's favorite master of irony wrote:

But then, on the internet, one can be anything one wants to be.

Wow, who would know better than the man who has spewed fake info about himself and his wife for years. Yes, our pal Charlie has been a long time resident of this town:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Man of his Word? Oh please!!

So, a few days ago Chuckes the Clown wrote a spirited diatribe about journalistic integrity. It almost sounded believable, but true to form, old Chuckie didn't take long to show his true colors.

His words were:

But if YOU want to come on THIS blog and spew your hate, your unfounded accusations, and your death threats, then I want to know who YOU are. Therefore, I am no longer permitting 'comments' until they have been validated (if you don’t know what that word means, ‘Google’ it).

If you post a legitimate email address and a legitimate name, your 'comment' will be posted --- period, whether or not I agree with it, condone it, or how nasty it may be.

But, if you think I will allow bullshit comments from cowards hiding behind phony names and addresses, then you are wasting your fucking time.

but as it urns out, he has been deleting comments that reveal the truth while at the same time making comments under faked names.

Who is wasting their time now Chuck?

Integrity? None

Honesty? Oh please

Coward? Picture Charles R. Treuter with hand raised

Charlie, you are pathetic. When you lay your head down at night do you feel good about yourself or do you think about how many people would be happy if you simply stopped breathing as you slept?

Why don't you do something productive? Hate is such a waste of time.

UPDATE: 7/13

A quick look at Chuckles recent posts offers further proof that he wouldn't know what honesty or integrity was even if it squatted down on his fat head and laid an egg.

Look through the comments on some of his recent posts and see how many "anonymous" comments he has allowed...as long as they agree with his misguided views.

Can this guy ever tell the truth?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Are your pants on fire?

Pathetic Chuck wrote...

"Louise ‘therealchiffonade’ Brescia has been stalking me for over five years"

I don't know or care about the history of this spat, but what I know for sure is that Charles Treuter has registered on several food sites as the very person he says is stalking him. He has set up fake arguments with himself. Basically, he is stalking himself. To what end? God only knows.

Don't buy into any of his stalker victim nonsense. The real stalker is plainly evident from the posts on his silly little blog and from Charlie's prison record for internet harassment.

Isn't that right Charlie?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Man of a thousand faces, but half a brain

Over the past few years of his hollow, pathetic existence, Charlie has made a hobby out of posting to food sites. To get a thrill that wearing women's underwear apparently no longer gives him, he often posts as other people. Given his level of psychosis, it is certainly possible he actually hears these voices in his head, but a more likely scenario is that he finds such moronic behavior entertaining.

On his little blog he wrote a lengthy post about people who harass him, but I have concrete proof this is simply not true. Charlie first opens a yahoo or gmail e-mail account using the name of who he wants to pretend to be, then registers as that person at various food sites, and starts arguments with himself.

Imagine how empty one's life must be to do this on a constant basis over a period of years?

That is our Charlie.

Bottom Feeder

In explaining today why he won't allow comments on his blog Chuckie wrote:

What I do NOT believe in, nor condone, is a bottom-feeding COWARD. Many of the 'commenters' here seem to know who I am, where I live, my phone number, and maybe even the size of my penis.

While I have little doubt Charlie fantasizes about folks, particularly men-folks, thinking about his penis, the irony of a man who has harrassed people long and hard enough to wind up in prison...twice...while hiding behind his computer, has the stones to call anyone a bottom-feeding coward.

Charlie, while you have accomplished little in your pathetic life, you are a master of irony!

Empty Threats from an Empty Man

Charles R. Treuter, better known as Doc Chuck has started his own little mean spirited blog. He does little more there than harass and belittle. He enjoys playing a victim, but other than being a victim of bad genetics and sad childhood, he is no victim.

On his new blog he has disabled comments to prevent those he seeks to victimize from responding in kind. This site will be available to respond to his nonsense, and as Chuck promises, will be a home to information that will expose this loser for what he really is.