The Gatewoods, my rather prosperous, influential, political and very intuitive maternal grandparents, were convinced that KWT possessed NOT ONE physical attribute of the family, NOT ONE psychological attribute of the family, and NOT ONE moral or ethical attribute of the family. Some of the family’s principles included:Now I don't know or care about his family issues, but I find it funny how he seems to take pride in how HE is an example of all that is good in his family.
Physical attributes? His pictures show a fat little troll of a man, Hardly a source of family pride unless your family guards the pot at the end of the rainbow.
Psychological attributes? Charlie could fill a textbook, the kind he pretends to have read when he got his imaginary degree, with his psychosis.
Morals and ethics? I can only assume he feels his convictions for voter fraud and harassment, his stalking of people (as evidenced on his own little blog), his hate filled, racist, sexist messages, his fabrication of multiple personalities, and other such behavior are moral and ethical standards of which to be proud. Not sure anyone outside the trailer park would concur.
Bravo Gatewood family! Your standard bearer is quite a gem!