In yet another long winded expose intended to reveal the truth, something our dear Charles wouldn't recognize if it rose up and bit him, Charlie rails against what I assume is his brother.
As part of his expose he posts what he reports is a picture of his brother's wife...
Under this photo Chuckle head writes...
This is the REAL illegal mexican immigrant, Maria Borges "Treuter" (60 years old, 300+ pounds) from a fairly recent photograph submitted by a neighbor of the Treuter "compound"
Unfortunately for Chuck, he wrongly assumes the rest of the world is as stupid as he is, and therefore sets the bar very low and makes it so very easy to uncovering more of his lies.
This is not his target's wife, it isn't a recent photograph he got from some cooperative neighbor, it is something he trolled off the net in a story about a Kansas woman who apparently was arrested in the death of a child.
Oh Charlie, you dumb ass, at least change the links in your pictures so they are semi credible.
Once again you offer clear proof you are a fraud, a liar, a phony, and, not terribly bright.